Hello, everyone!
The Rippaverse released their 2nd publication’s pre-order today with Isom 2. I’m excited to get my copy and promote the series as it builds the parallel economy and furthers the comicsgate exit.
I also released the 5th installment of my “SJW Commie Reacts” videos. It’s a hilarious encapsulation of the Rippaverse haters.
Check it out here: https://youtu.be/QuM5DfC5ZrI
And be sure to join in and support the latest Rippaverse campaign over at: https://rippaverse.com/product/isom-2-campaign/
Plus, they have an AMAZING animated trailer for Isom 2 at: https://youtu.be/fu0XFgA2LmE
In liberty,
-J ( :